Dr. Roxana Barad

Common Types of Cataract

There are Three Common Types of Cataract Ophthalmologists categorize cataracts in different ways. The most basic method of classification is according to the location of the actual opacity (cataract). There are actually different kinds of cataracts. Three of the most common types of cataracts are related to the aging eye.   Nuclear cataract A nuclear […]

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Eye Spots, Flashes and Eye Floaters

Almost everyone will experience a small moving dark spot in their vision. These are commonly named floaters and are especially common when looking directly at a light background or into bright lights. The perception of floaters is medically known as myodesopsia. What are Eye Floaters? Eye floaters are condensed proteins floating through the vitreous fluid

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Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration (AMD) is an aging disease in the central area of the retina, the macula. There are two forms; Nonexudative (dry) and exudative (wet). Non Exudative (Dry) Macular Degeneration Symptom is usually a gradual decrease in vision. Result of tissue atrophy and deposits (drusen). Treatments include AREDS multivitamins, fish oil or other omega-3 supplements,

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Diabetes and Your Eyes

What is the connection between diabetes and the eyes? Diabetes can damage almost every part of the eye. Indeed, it is the leading cause of adult blindness in the United States. The danger increases with the length of the illness. Two-thirds of diabetics will show signs of eye damage after 15 years, and up to

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Ocular Migraines (Eye Migraines)

Ophthalmic (eye) migraines are quite common and often painless, although the solo term “migraine” usually brings to mind a severe type of headache. But with eye-related migraines, visual disturbances with or without headache pain also can accompany migraine processes thought to be related to changes in blood flow in the brain. These visual problems associated

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Refractive Errors and Vision

Eyesight is the most precious gift we have. It allows us to perceive the surrounding world like no other of our senses. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of eye disorders that can permanently affect the quality of vision. Early recognition and treatment are the keys to preserving eyesight. Here are some of the most

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