Myopia Management – Stop your kids from getting more nearsighted.

By the year 2050, it is estimated that nearly 50% of the world’s population will suffer from myopia (near sightedness) and will require prescription for distance vision. Patient’s that progress to a myopia prescription of over 6 diopters increase their risk of eye pathology like early cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachments. The biggest increase in prescription usually takes place between the ages of 8 and 16.

Pittsburgh Eye Associates offers two treatments to reduce myopia progression.

  • A specific soft contact lens can be worn by patients as young as 10 years old and can reduce the need for increasing prescription with Explore Correcting Contact Lenses
  • A weak formulation of a commonly used drop, atropine, can be used nightly and has been shown in studies to help stabilize a child’s glasses or contact lens
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